AFCEA Ottawa Chapter +
Phone: (613) 721-6031
Saturday, 8 February 2025
Christmas Special Event Sponsors
Gold- Calian
Silver- Motorola
Bronze- Phirelight

 Please Wait


Please note: The AFCEA Ottawa Chapter has moved it's website.
The new website can be found at
Please update your bookmarks accordingly!

                          The AFCEA Ottawa Chapter is very proud to have been recognized  with the
                                           Albert J. Myer Award for Achievement by AFCEA International.

 The Ottawa Chapter of the Armed Forces Communication and Electronics Association has 381
corporate members, representing 49 companies and 209 individual members from within the
National Defence and from other Federal Government departments/agencies and from a variety
of private information technology and market development companies.
All engage in the social, professional, and development activities of AFCEA